SEMINARS OF THE 3RD FLOOR 2023 – Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene

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Starting from 2018 the Italian Archaeological School at Athens runs a Seminars programme organized and hosted by the Post Doctoral Fellows of the current year. Topics presented fallwithin the wide-range of the Fellows’ research interests and address in particular the themes of their own projects. The talks are aimed at providing opportunity for debate and discussion.

Among the interesting meetings organized this year, we highlight the two lectures concerning the Byzantine period that will be given by Prof. Paul Arthur and Prof. Natalia Poulou

Friday 24/11/2023  5 p.m. – hybrid lecture
Prof.  Paul Arthur (Università del Salento)
“Character and resilience of Byzantine Italy”
Convenor Dr. Rossana Valente (Post-Doc IASA)

Friday 15/12/2023 5 p.m. – hybrid lecture
Prof. Natalia Poulou (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)
“From town to countryside: Byzantine bath-houses in Crete and their changing functions”
Convenor Dr. Yuri Marano (Post-Doc IASA)

The talks are open to everyone interested.

To participate in person, attendees must register by filling up the following form::

The seminars can also be followed online, via Zoom, by sending an e-mail to about 24 hours before each appointment to obtain the link.

Info: Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene

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