
The final conference of the project ‘Byzantine Heritage of Southern Italy’ coming soon

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It is with great enthusiasm that we announce the upcoming final conference of our project ‘Byzantine Heritage of Southern Italy‘, which will take place in Lecce from 20 to 22 September 2024 at the prestigious Sigismondo Castromediano Museum. Although the programme is still being finalised, the conference is expected to include a series of in-depth sessions exploring various aspects of the historical and archaeological research on the Byzantine period and its legacy in Southern Italy… Read More »The final conference of the project ‘Byzantine Heritage of Southern Italy’ coming soon

Byzantine Heritage of Southern Italy Project at tourismA 2021

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The seventh edition of tourismA, the event dedicated to archaeology and cultural tourism organised by Archeologia Viva (Giunti Editore), took place from 17 to 19 December at the Palazzo dei Congressi in Florence, and hosted conferences focusing on the enhancement of cultural heritage. These three days proved to be a precious moment for our team, which was present at the fair with a stand, to introduce the project to the general public and to tell specialists and… Read More »Byzantine Heritage of Southern Italy Project at tourismA 2021