
Byzantine Salento: An Archaeological Guide

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The volume Il Salento bizantino. Una guida archeologica (Byzantine Salento. An Archaeological Guide), written by Paul Arthur, Marco Leo Imperiale, and Marisa Tinelli, has been recently published. Through this work, the authors aim to highlight the importance and richness of the Byzantine heritage in Salento, which extends beyond its material aspects. Their goal is to raise public awareness of this historical legacy, hoping that greater understanding will lead both to more dedicated efforts in its… Read More »Byzantine Salento: An Archaeological Guide

An Archaeology of Resilience in Rural Landscapes of Southern Italy, C. 300-1000

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The fourth volume of the series of historical-archaeological studies “Themata” has just been published, titled “An Archaeology of Resilience in Rural Landscapes of Southern Italy, c. 300-1000”, written by Matthew J. Munro. This volume emerged from a doctoral thesis questioning the role of resilience in the collapse and regeneration of human societies over late Antiquity and the early Middle Ages. The approach adopted applies the panarchy metamodel and insights from complexity science to understand the… Read More »An Archaeology of Resilience in Rural Landscapes of Southern Italy, C. 300-1000

“Byzantine Heritage of Southern Italy” Conference

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The final conference of the project “Byzantine Heritage of Southern Italy“ was held in Lecce from 20 to 22 September 2024. The conference featured a series of sessions dedicated to exploring various aspects of historical and archaeological research on the Byzantine period and its legacy in Southern Italy, carried out by the project’s Research Units, with the participation of distinguished national and international scholars. A heartfelt thank you is extended to all participants, both the… Read More »“Byzantine Heritage of Southern Italy” Conference

The final conference of the project ‘Byzantine Heritage of Southern Italy’ coming soon

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It is with great enthusiasm that we announce the upcoming final conference of our project ‘Byzantine Heritage of Southern Italy‘, which will take place in Lecce from 20 to 22 September 2024 at the prestigious Sigismondo Castromediano Museum. Although the programme is still being finalised, the conference is expected to include a series of in-depth sessions exploring various aspects of the historical and archaeological research on the Byzantine period and its legacy in Southern Italy… Read More »The final conference of the project ‘Byzantine Heritage of Southern Italy’ coming soon